Students wanting to enter the 36-credit Master’s Degree in Theology program must have completed a Bachelor Degree Honors Program or an equivalent of 138 credit hours.
The Master’s Degree prepares students for advanced professional competence in a Christian community.
We provide:-
- Master’s Degree Program Theology
- Master’s Degree Program Ministry
- Master’s Degree Program Prophetic Ministry
- Master’s Degree Program Apostolic Ministry
- Master’s Degree Program Christian Counseling
- Master’s Degree Program Christian Education
- Master’s Degree Program Christian Entrepreneurship
- Master’s Degree Program Christian Leadership
- Master’s Degree Program Christian Business Administration
- Master of Divinity with a Concentration in worship Leadership
- Master of Arts(Islamic Studies)
- Master of Arts in Missiology
- Master of Divinity women’s Ministry Concentration
- Master of Arts in Church Music